About this Report Stakeholder Government shareholder Responsible Agency Regulatory Agency Employee/ Worker Customer Suppliers/ Trading partner CAT has made an annual sustainability report for the second consecutive year by disclosing the organization’sinternalsustainabilitydevelopmentoperationscoveringeconomic,social,andenvironmental dimensions. CAT does not disclose information on its operations to partner companies or other companies. CAT will proceed to expand its data collection to include those gleaned from partner companies and other relevant companies in the future. Reporting Boundaries The information in this report covers the operations executed from January 1 to December 31, 2017, in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiatives (GRI) G4 guidelines, as well as standard disclosures using the Core option. Guidelines to Preparing a Sustainability Report The disclosure of information in this sustainability report is presented in line with the GRI standards (G4), despite the fact that the company has limitations in collecting the data and that this is only the second year when the company is tasked with producing this report. Nonetheless, in order to bring about the inclusiveness and clarity of the content, CAT will seek to strategize and streamline its data collection process and keep it in line with the GRI standards. Stakeholder Engagement Stakeholder engagement is regarded as an importantcomponentofCAT’ssustainabilitymanagement. CAThasanalyzedandreviewedindicatorsforstakeholders who are either companies or internal and external groups of individuals affected by CAT’s business operations on an annual basis. CAT has also sought to respond to its stakeholders’expectationsinanappropriatemanner.With regardtothe2017SustainabilityReport,CAThasgathered the concerns and opinions of its 6 groups of stakeholders andhasusedthemaspartoftheinformationtodetermine the content of this report. 45 Sustainable Development Report 2017 CAT Telecom Public Company Limited