Customer Privacy CAT recognizes the importance of data storage and protecting customer privacy as paramount in business operations. The Company proceeded in compliance with Measures for Protection of Telecommunications Service Users’ Rights Related to Personal Information, Privacy Rights and Freedom to Communicate by Means of Telecommunications. It had notified those using the Company’s systems, including staff, of the prohibition from disclosing or inappropriately using service users’ data. It also requires system development contractors to sign Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDA), securing the protection of the Company’s confidential information, as well as notifying contractors to comply with Temporary Worker Policy. The aforementioned policy on ICT security was based on guidelines and processes referenced from ISO/IEC 27001:2005 Annex A, and technical guidelines from ISP/IEC 17799:2005. In 2017, there were no losses of customer data since CAT ensured the protection of customer data from privacy breaches, and operated in strict compliance with the Measures for Protection of Telecommunications Service Users’ Rights Related to Personal Information, Privacy Rights and Freedom to Communicate by Means of Telecommunications. Customer complaint mechanisms CAT recognizesthe importanceofcustomercomplaintsmanagementthroughvariouschannels.Italsosees the necessity of establishing a guideline for managing and monitoring the processes to ensure that consumers’ complaints/issues are resolved in a timely manner, creating customer satisfaction in the organization. Hence, CAT took action regarding receiving and handling complaints according to the order of Office of The NationalBroadcastingandTelecommunicationsCommissiononhandlingcomplaintsrelatedtotelecommunications business operations in 2016. It seeks to protect citizens’ rights and freedom from being taken advantage of by operators,toprotecttheirrightsconcerningpersonaldata,individualrightstoprivacyandfreedomincommunicating via telecommunications services. It does so by establishing complaint channels, along with standard operating procedures in handling grievances/issues as detailed below. Complaint channels CAT Contact Center 1322 Telephone: 0 2104 4501-2 / 08 1352 0444 / 08 1352 0666 Fax: 0 2104 4503 Website: Email: Post: To: CAT Public Company Limited President Office’s Complaint Handling department Moo 3 Chaeng Wathana Rd., Thung Song Hong, Lak Si, Bangkok 10210 External organizations: Complaint Center, Office of the Permanent Secretary, Prime Minister’s Office, and Office of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Digital Economy and Society 121 Sustainable Development Report 2017 CAT Telecom Public Company Limited