Message from the President Throughout these past years, CAT Public Company Limited has been the organization that provides national telecommunications and information technology services, integrating CSR aspects into its main operations through the amendments made to its business rehabilitation processes in keeping with the government’s Thailand 4.0 strategic policy and the blueprint for CSR activities. CAT jump-started this initiative by communicating within the organization, ingraining a sense of responsibility that leads to the development of society through resources and quality personnel in areas of communications technology, knowledgeable guest lecturers, and various IT equipment. CAT focuses on mainly creating the body of knowledge for citizens in order to bring about equitable access to technology, which is an important factor in raising the nation to become a Smart City. In 2017, CAT has proceeded to carry out the “CAT CSR COME TOGETHER” project for the purpose ofraisingthequalityoflifeofcitizens, especially thatofagroupoffarmersandagriculturists. It creates the body of knowledge on the topic of technology through two of its auxiliary projects. First, the “Internet of Things” project was used as a platform to develop what is known as “Smart Farmer” by ushering in transmission network services to assist with the operations in each area. In addition,CATmobilizestheconceptderivedfromtheInternetofThingsforcommunities.Second,the “CAT Learning Center” project was carried out by conducting site visits in order to educate farmers on the use of information technology in organic agriculture. To this end, CAT supports communities to possess a self-sufficiency concept, prompting them to build on what they learn and to create additional income by using raw materials available in communities. In summary, these above-mentioned projects reflect the organizational concepts that aim to bring about “progress” by spreading the knowledge of technology and innovation. Furthermore, CAT has expanded its telecommunications network to cover remote areas, so as to allow all citizens to be given equal opportunities to access all forms of communication, which will modernize our society and make those in it “worldly-wise,” in accordance with the Thailand 4.0 policy without leaving anyone behind. Colonel Sanpachai Huvanandana, Ph.D. President CAT Public Company Limited 11 Sustainable Development Report 2017 CAT Telecom Public Company Limited